Aim & Objective

DumDum IGMHS is being able to work independently and in a group..

IGMHS strives for over all development of a child by hetrogeneously blending Indian culture and heritage with modern internationally acceptable system that broadly covers :-

1. Provide quality education and creating a zest for efficient learning.
2. Broadening mental horizons and creating awareness within.
3. Channelize youthful energy towards the environment and the society with a positive attitude.
4. Ensuring mental and spiritual growth.
5. Face the complexities of life with Courage and lead a disciplined life.
6. Strong emphasis on character growth.
7. Inculcate in students ethical and moral values.


The mission of school to provide sincere and incessant endeavour for the students towards making them good human being, responsible and dutiful citizen of the nation, blended with fervor and flavor of nationalism and patriotism

Good human being with strong determination, character & moral values.

A son filled with honour, valour and responsibility towards mother India.